Tuesday, April 10, 2012

No Sugar???

Ready or not here we go. Haddie and I are going off most forms of sugar. Since Haddie was 2 weeks old we have been struggling with yeast infections on a regular basis (I think that this is due to all the antibiotics she/we had during labor and in the two weeks that followed). We have tried everything over the counter and nothing seems to get rid of it. As I have done some reading it seems as if one way to get rid of the candida is to starve it from sugar. While Haddie doesn't eat a lot of sugar (way less than the average 3 year old) she does have a sweet tooth and loves her chocolate every now and then. She also loves cereal. As a result we are going off grains (except for brown rice, quinoa, and oatmeal), dried fruit, sugar, and limiting milk. We are also trying not to eat a bunch of fruit and we will stay away from some veggies (corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas...).

I decided to do this with Haddie so that we would not be eating things in front of her. Today is day one. I think it will be harder for me than I thought. It is amazing how easy it is to eat "sugar" all day long. From pasta to milk and crackers to sweet potatoes - sugar (natural or not) is in a lot of what we eat. It always seems to sneak into our diet in funny ways that we don't think of. When you remove it you see that there is not much to work with. I will also be making sure that one meal includes yogurt as the base. This will help her to get good probiotics into her gut. Thankfully she loves yogurt! We will do this for a week or two and then see what we need to do from there. If needed we will cut out most fruits as well for a short time frame and then slowly add them back. I am hoping that just removing the grains and added sugar will reduce the candida.

The good side to this is that I am hoping it will help me to loose the extra weight I have put on between both kids. First of all I never got down to my ideal healthy weight before I got pregnant with Haddie. I was at 145. Then after I had Haddie I got down to 150 (I think) and then got pregnant with Judah. Now I am at 160 and I would like to get down to 140 before we have more kids. It is not so much about a number but wanting to be healthy so that I can be the best mom I can be to my kids. I want to be able to run around and chase them all day long!

I know that some people loose all their weight while they are nursing. That has never been the case for me. I do loose weight it just takes a LONG time! Some say that I will loose it faster once I stop nursing. The problem is that I am usually not done nursing until after I am pregnant again. It is like my body won't just drop the weight as long as I am nursing. I stay active but I think I use that as an excuse to eat what I want. No more. I am serious! It is time to kick this weight for good! It is time to retrain my body, mind, and taste buds! I am hoping to be down 15 pounds in 3 months in time for a family trip out to the Northwest for Ben's (Michael's brother) wedding. I will try to keep you guys up to date on how things are going, both with my health and Haddie's.

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