Monday, October 5, 2009

My Oh My Miss American Pie!

This evening I made a Cherry, Pear, and Marzipan pie. By the empty
plates I would assume it was a hit!

1st- Pie Crust, baked for 10 minutes and cooled slightly
2nd - Roll out Marzipan and place on pre-baked crust

3rd - Layer with Cherries and Pears

4th - Fold up sides and bake until golden
5th - Grab a good cup of coffee or tea and a slice of pie with a dollop of whipped cream!


Jen said...

Mmmm ... salivating in Mongolia ...

bailee.b said...

marzipan is my weakness! looks decadent

Ruth said...

O-o-h, that looks so yummy! Of course there are no calories in it. You are quite a talented lady.