For those of you who have had a baby, you know that moment of hearing your babies first cries! What a joy it is to know that all is well! This morning I learned that a girl I grew up with had her second baby (first was a miscarriage). When little Evan Riley came out he was not breathing. It also appears as if he has little brain activity. We know that God is the giver of life and that nothing is impossible for Him. Please join with me in praying for this sweet little baby boy and his parent's, Kara and Glenn.

With his mommy

Ready for transport. His hat reads..."Bring it! I'm a fighter!"
Update from Evan's Grandma is Seattle; Nothing docs can do for little Evan. In a coma, can't survive w/o ventilator, severe internal organ
failure. Hope he hangs on so we can hold, cuddle, pray, sing, kiss his sweet face, & have some Grandparent time. Pray especially for Kara & Glenn as they release him to Jesus. We are hurting. God is still God
Dear Friends and Family of the Gillette's/Davies-
My friend Judi just left the hospital as Gramma Gillette was getting set up to hold Baby Evan. Today was a long, hard day but full of love and sweet tender moments as the family was able to be photographed with Evan. Please be praying for them tomorrow as they release Evan to Jesus in the morning. This will be a very hard day for them all. Would you pray Romans 8:38-39 over this sweet family.
Just read little Judah's story (I didn't know he was born in May!) and was quite surprised to see in your sidebar a post on our little Evan! Bless you for including us and Evan in your blog.
It was the least I could do! Still pray for you guys and praying that you too will be able to hear those crys one day soon. I think I read on your blog you guys are trying to have another baby. Take care!
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