Colin Harbinson recently presented this message at our OM office. He leads an initiative called StoneWorks.
My motive may be distorted if . . .
❑ I love serving God more than I love God Himself
Phillipians 1
Revelation 2:1-7
❑ I meet needs because I have a need to be needed
(hint: there will always be need)
And Jesus was not motivated by need. He did what the father told him to do.
God requires obedience.
❑ I am afraid to say “no” because I fear rejection.
So many people do not have boundaries & when we take on too much, we run out of grace.
❑ I think I am the only one who can do it right.
(this is pride)
❑ I live my Christian walk out of a sense of guilt.
❑ I “perform” to get God’s attention and approval.
If this happened in your childhood, we can take this into our relationship with the LORD.)
There will never be a day the rest of your life that God doesn’t love you any more than he does today.
Why was Jesus so hard on the Pharisees? Because they preached a gospel of “acceptance by performance.”
❑ I build my own Kingdom, not God’s Kingdom.
Unless the Lord builds the house, the workers labor in vain. Psalm 127:1
❑ I confuse obedience with sacrifice.
People in ministry do it all the time, they sacrifice time, money, family, marriages thinking it will please God.
Billy Graham wishes after a lifetime of ministry that he would have spent more time with his children.
❑ I have an unBiblical view of priorities.
It is not a list with God at the top. Instead put your priorities on a horizontal level and let God intersect all areas.
Listen to God and respond in obedience.